Tuesday, September 30, 2008

crazy 2 year old speak

I am not sure this qualifies as an explanation however, this is Ian telling me what a fullybucks is. I am still not sure what it is to be honest. And the beginning of this video makes me think daycare is secretly teaching some foreign language...what do you think - Chinese? nah. Russian? nah. Maybe it's some really cool language I don't even know about...
Whatever it is...good luck figuring this one out.
One thing I know...he is too cute at the end of the video.


ApplePie said...

Hahahaha, no wait, no thats it, hahahah......I love 2 year olds! The beauty is that it all makes sense to them, its us that just don't get it. I think the blog idea is great - keep it up as long as you can. Just don't go "fullybucks".

carrie said...

he is such a camera ham!! i love it. you fullybucker you....

what a fabulous blog--you're going at it with sincerity & brevity. love it!!! can't wait to see more.